Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tall Ships Sailing

Two weekends ago I went on a sailing trip around Copenhagen on a Danish tall ship. It was a really nice way to relax on the water while still seeing Denmark from a different perspective. We sailed from a town called Holbaek, which is about an hour west of Copenhagen and then went up Zealand where we walked around an old Navy base. Then we went back on the ship and sailed to another small town where we docked and spent the night. Because we were sleeping on the boat someone had to be awake at all times so we took turns. My friend Emily and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean during ours which was a lot of fun! It was really neat to help hoist the sails and pull up the anchor! We also got to practice cooking in a galley kitchen which was was difficult but fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie,

    I randomly found your blog on google (while searching for renting a boat in Copenhagen) and was wondering if you could tell me how you girls did this? We live in Copenhagen now and would love to do this with friends and family. Let me know if you get a chance (ashley.tuite@gmail.com).

