Saturday, September 10, 2011

Frederiksborg Palace

Three weekends ago I visited the Fredericksborg Palace with a group of students from DIS. The palace is located in a town about 45 minutes from the city. It was built in 1560 by King Frederick II but most of the originas was destroyed in a fire, the magnificent church was the only thing that survived. Which is quite lucky because it was one of the most ornate churches that I have even seen.

Most of the rest of the castle had been turned into the National History museum of Denmark so most of the rooms have been restored to look just as they did when the castle was in use. One thing that I thought was really funny was that one king (I forget which!) had been injured so that he walked with a limp, so to avoid being seen limping by his subjects he rigged an "elevator" so that he could go straight from his carriage to the audience room.

While the inside of the castle was definitely cool, I think that my favorite part were the gardens outside. The were filled with really neat geometric patterns and pretty fountains. Unfortunately my camera died right as we got outside so I only have a few pictures!

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