Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Little Mermaid

Wednesdays are free of classes for all students at DIS! They are reserved for small class trips and for students to have some time to explore the city. Today, I visited the famous Little Mermaid statue in the Copenhagen Harbor. She is in Copenhagen to honor Hans Christian Andersen. I am taking a class on him while I am here and it is cool to see his legacy around the city. Right outside of Tivoli there is a large statue of him as well as a street bearing his name. The Little Mermaid statue is actually located a little farther outside of the city, but the bus ride was definitely worth it!

Copenhagen Elephant Parade

Some of my favorite things when I first began exploring the city were the whimsical elephant statues that seemed to pop up all over. I was sad to notice yesterday that these elephants were gone, so I did a little research on the subject. It turns out that they are traveling art instillation intended to raise money for the Asian Elephant. Different artists are commissioned to create a unique elephant to be displayed around the city, at the end of the instillation the statues are auctioned off and all procedes go to support the Asian Elephants. Check out this link for more info: I unfortunately only got a few pictures, but here are some of the elephants from around DIS. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st Week

I have been in Copenhagen for 4 days now, but it feels like much longer. I am finally beginning to settle into this new life and am beginning to learn my way around the city (at least from the train station to class and back).  I officially begin classes tomorrow morning which I am actually really excited about! Not a whole lot has happened yet so there isn't a lot to share at this point, but I do have some pictures of the city. I hope to get many more and post them here as the semester goes on!

 This is the Rosenborg Castle which Christian the 4th built as a summer home for himself in 1606. I have not had a chance to go inside, but I am told that this is the only place in the world where the actual jewelry worn by the royal family today is on display for the public. Another fun fact about the Rosenborg Castle is that it has "surround sound." When it was built, Christian IV had special pipes put in so that an orchestra playing in the basement could be heard from any room in the castle!

      A lion standing guard outside of the castle!

This is my first attempt at the famous canal shot. I hope to have it perfected by the end of my time here.

This square is marks the turn for the street where the main DIS building is located. Aside from being quite picturesque, it has served as a vital landmark during these first few days of trying to navigate old winding streets!

*** this photo serves as proof that I am new to the city. Walking around the city today I realized that this fountain actually is located on the longest walking street in Europe which is quite close to DIS, but it is a different ornate fountain that marks the turn to classes!!